Gumballs and Dungeons: Gods chess board (Hard)

Farming for Checkers gumball in hard mode:
Checkers gumball is one of the best gumball that you can get in the Abyss roar faction.  Gods chess board event is one of best time to farm for Checkers gumballs fragments.
To easily farm his fragment the only gumball that you absolutely have to have is the Zerg queen. Because in hard mode the boss is immune to active skills and he just keeps summoning chess pieces that continue to buff him to the point you can't kill him. The solution for this problem is simple. You will just need to use Zerg queen's zerglings to take up all the space in boss room so that the boss can't summon his minions. Zerg queen is not meant to be used as main but as soul link.
The chess pieces you will need to capture with the Magicproof Crystal Ball is the Bishop, the Queen and for the last one you can pick any chess piece. The Bishop helps heal other pieces and the boss and the Queen reduces damage. So getting rid of these pieces will make it easier to kill the boss. 
Pick a melee title gumballs as main. Use gumballs like Warrior or Holy Warrior who reduces damage and helps you survive the mage. Melee title are  Intern Warrior+Knight+Silver Knight+Armed Knight. Try to upgrade Armed knight to max because it will help you reduce long range damage. Save 500 EP for the boss fight. If you see your HP running low just upgrade the title Light Paladin which will instantly heal you to full HP.


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