Gumballs and dungeons: Farm sunflower gumball fragment easily

Gumballs: Take Commando gumball as main and soul link with Vampire gumball(can not replace it with any other gumball because you need that sweet life steal) and Red Dragon or Predator gumball(because their talent will more or less give you the same effect). Make sure all the gumballs are fully fed so that your run is much easier.

Do not, I repeat do not plant the  Magic Bean Seed that you get on 1st floor or the run is ruined.

Potion: Plant Extract if you want the black thorn seed and if you don't want use this potion, then you can use any potion you want.

Artifact: Helmet of Fighter

Title: Adventure Titles : Fortune Finder-Explorer-Magic Bandit-Farplane Ranger
(You need to take Commando gumball as main because you will have to get the title Farplane Ranger first. Because using the the title Farplane Ranger you can get Queen's Soul from Queen's Corpse. This is the most crucial part of the run because using the Queen's Soul will let you deal double damage when equipping Magic Mirror and believe me you will be equipping the Magic Mirror all the time) 
Try to max Magic Bandit first after getting Farplane Ranger to collect the Noble Suit to get that sweet EP reduction.(this is how like to like to do it)

Melee Titles : Intern Warrior-Knight-Silver Knight-Royal Knight-Fighter

Strategy: After getting the Queen's Soul and Magic Mirror from the Queen's Corpse always keep Magic Mirror equipped. Make sure you have the title Farplane Ranger before searching the queen's corpse.  After gathering 300  Seed of Black Thorn from shops, monsters and caves you just need to get Sunflower Seed from boss. Plant the Sunflower Seed once you get it and give the sunflower 30 Seed of Black Thorn to get 10 sunlight and it will give you the fragments.

Boss fight: Kill the mushrooms that are on the left side of the screen because Mushroom-Green gives boss Bind - When active, enhances the Ancient Guardian's Physical Resistance by 70% and Mushroom-Red gives boss Bind - When active, the Ancient Guardian is able to reflect 50% of damage suffered. After killing the mushrooms just attack the boss and kill him. Don't forget to use Stimulant at start of the boss fight. After 50th floor boss fight you can't kill the mushrooms with one attack so use  Nether Wick to get rid of them. 

This will easily take you up to 90th floor. If you have trouble with the boss at 90th floor just use Icicle to stun the boss.  


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